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Enough time with my bunnies??

22 9:44:24

I'm a college student and I have five dwarf rabbits and I love them all very much but sometimes I feel like an awful owner, I Always feed and water them every day and am sure the cages are always clean and that they have toys but since I started college I haven't had very much time to play with them and hold them, is it a really bad thing that I can't play with them every day? I love them and any separation from them would be extremely painful but I want to do what's right for my bunnies
What do I do?

Hello There.
You seem to be very attached to the rabbits. he rabbits are probably taking this better than you are.
You see rabbits are not typically a herding  species so they are used to being seperated. I would bet they are fine with the attention you have been giving them.
I hope that they are in seperate cages or have been Spayed or Neutered. The last thing you need is more rabbits ! thats how I got started 40 yrs ago now I have 52 rabbits!
Good luck