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new baby bunny.

22 9:42:15

hello! i got a dutch baby bunny yesterday around 12... it is around 2 months old.... it is playful... it has become tame  with me. i hops on me as i go close.. i fed it coriander and wheat grass. but it has not pooped since it has come home.. he does urinate properly... i change that cloth twice... ca u please tell me do i need to take him to the vet? or bunnies do poop late?

Hi Prutha

I would be very concerned he's not pooped. A rabbit this young should be on hay, water and whatever pellet food it has been weaned on to. It should not be fed any fresh greens or herbs just yet, its gut is too delicate.

A healthy bun should be doing several hundred poops a day! The stress of being in a new home can cause havoc with young bunnies digestive systems. If you don't see any sign of poop in the next hour or so, I would be going to the vet. Gut stasis in a bun this young can prove fatal.

Good luck!