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blood nose

22 10:47:19

I have 2 rabbits and we separated them and when I went to clean its home and feed it I saw blood on its nose.I checked the other rabbit but it was you know what might have happened?


It is possible that it is due to an injury or it may be secondary to a respiratory infection or other disease or ailment. Without seeing the rabbit it is impossible to diagnose. You will want to consult a veterinarian if it continues or worsens.

Was the rabbit is a position where he/she might have injured himself? Meaning, is there anything he might have fallen off or ran into? Was there anything startling? Also, was the blood dried?

If you have not already, you can wipe away any blood on his nose. If you continue to notice blood, I would consult a veterinarian. In cases like this you can always call and ask their opinion before taking your rabbit in for a visit. If after wiping it off it goes away and never returns, it was likely some type of injury.

Let me know if you have any further questions! Good luck!