Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > miscarriage


22 9:43:42

hi, about 5 weeks ago i bred my lop eared rabbit she is about 3 years old and this would have been her second litter. Last week on Thursday 7th she was due and instead there was a bit of blood. When i mean a bit of blood i mean it was a few tiny drops and also her vulva is swollen. I have felt round her tummy to see if a baby was stuck but there was nothing and nothing even in her tummy. She had pulled her hair out to make a nest and eating and drinking well. The only thing is she is a very angry and easy stressed rabbit the only 1 out of 16 i have. She has enough room to run around and in a pen of her own. I have bred rabbits for 6 years now and this is the first time i have had a miscarriage. I would like to know was this caused by the stress and what is causing stress? also how can i help relax her more?

thank you

Dear Paula,

Please see:

It's hard for me to gauge how to reduce her stress if I don't know anything about her current environment.  But like any rabbit, she needs lots of room to run, plenty of social interaction and love, and a good, healthy diet.  For all the best information on how to keep your bunny happy and healthy, please visit:

I hope this helps.
