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Gross build up in my bunnys personal area.

22 10:28:22

Hello, I have a pet rabbit named Oreo and i love her to death but the past few days or so she has been having these gross mats of fur, poop, and urine in her personal area. i have had her for a year and nothing like this has ever happened to her. its the beginning of spring so i thought it was because she is going into heat. It smells alot and its not very flattering. Is there anything i can do to stop the build up? please Help!

Hi Kaleigh,

First off rabbits don't go into seasonal heat cycles they are sexually stimulated to go into heat wich means if she isn't bread she doesn't go into heat. My first question would be is she getting to be over weight? What breed is she? These are all factors in your problem and really all you can do is take care of it fr her if she cant do it herself. The reason I ask about weight is because over weight bunny's can not reach their "personal area" to keep it clean. Remembr all your bunny needs is by breeds ideal weight for your bunny is 1/3 cup pellets per pound of body weight and all the timothy hay they want. I also as what breed cause some of the longer haired breeds can have this issues because of there hair and some people will shave there bottoms. Is she acting ok or is she acting different? This could be a sign of illness and you should get with a vet that is rabbit savvy. Hope this helps.