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Bunnies Eyes Still Closed

22 10:40:37

Hi, I believe my rabbits are around 2 weeks. Here's what one of them looks like.

Could you tell me how old you think they are? And don't they usually have their eyes opened by now? Do you think I should put a damp paper towel on their eyes or just leave them alone?

Dear Cassandra,

The bunny in the picture looks juuuuust about ready to be at the stage where the eyes start to open.  So be on the lookout.  If they don't open by the time the bunnies are really 2 weeks old (the one in the picture doesn't look quite that old), then a warm, moist compress can help.  

It is essential that the eyes open normally so that the babies develop normal vision.  If you are not sure they are opening on time, but the warm compresses don't work, then don't force anything.  Get them to a good rabbit vet:

who can tell if they are old enough to be opening their eyes.   If they are significantly late, the vet will have safe methods by which the eyelids can be gently and safely separated without damaging the eyes.

Please also see:

I hope this helps.
