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Rabbit in Labor! URGENT!!!!!!!!!

22 11:18:45

My rabbit was due on sunday july 9 which was 28 days since she was
bred. She has been breathing hard and fast since then and I believe she
may be in labor and i fear she is in pain. She has not pulled fur or even
made a nest.I am concerned, but my family cannot afford to take her to
a vet right now and I know this could be fatal. what could I do myself
or do you know of any free vets in NYC or a number where a vet can give
me some advice? PLEASE HELP!!!

Today is the thirteenth - I sure hope she has had them already !  If not - put her with a buck.  Sometimes the first kit is very big and plugs up the birth canal - the penetration by a buck can sometimes lubricate and unstop it.  This is less stressfull than a lubricated finger........


Please let me know how it went - am going on vacation tomorrow morning - be back in 11 days.