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Rabbits Litter box trained

22 11:17:46

We have our rabbits litter box trained. The type of litter we are using now is Corn Cob. We have use Kay Tee Cob and Hartz Corn Cob. Both say they are handled and processed inside storage facilites, produce a whiter, cleaner cob that keeps pets healthfully clean & care free. Biodegradable, virtually dust free, traps ords with its natural sponge like action, it is scoopable and easy to remove.  We tried the Yesterday's news litter but got worried about them eating news paper. Corn cob does warn about watching for constipation.  We feed lots of hay, mostly Timmothy put out by Kay Tee. There feed can be found at  
Thank you Ann

Dear Ann,

I never use nor recommend corn cob litter because of the danger that the rabbit will eat it and have an impaction (I found out the hard way that corn kernels and cobs are high in a particular polysaccharide that even a rabbit's intestinal bacteria can't digest!) and also because it's not very good at absorbing odor or moisture.

We finally found the ideal litter when we discovered Feline Pine about 10 years ago.  It's made of pelleted sawdust (which, unlike cedar or pine shavings, are not high in volatile aromatics because of the high temperature of extrusion when they're made), and it is *fantastic* at absorbing moisture and odor.  And you can compost it!

Once people try pelleted sawdust (there are now many brands available, including cheap versions such as wood stove pellets from Home Depot and horse pelleted bedding from feed stores), they never go back.  Give it a try.  I know you'll be convinced!  :)

Good luck!
