Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > hermaphrodites in rabbits

hermaphrodites in rabbits

22 10:58:32

Are there hermaphrodites among rabbits? Please ;explain.
Thank you!

Dear Kay,

Hermaphrodites are known in rabbits, but they are very rare.  I know of one person who suspected her rabbit was a hermaphrodite, and took the bunny to a good rabbit vet for a confirmation.  It turned out that the bunny had a prolapsed uterus, and could have died if the caregiver had not taken action and gotten her to the vet (who safely spayed her, resulting in a full recovery for the rabbit) for diagnosis and treatment.

When you ask me to explain, what exactly do you mean?  Do you need to know more about what a hermaphrodite is, or the history of records of hermaphrodites in rabbits?  Please be more specific, and I'll try to help.
