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Rabitts help!!!!

22 11:35:51

My father work at a company witha huge yard and they called people to cut the grass. The thing is they found 5 babby rabits. They left them there and watched the spot from far away to see if they're mother would return. She didn't there is a huge posibility that she was killed while the grass was cut. We took 3 of them home. They have eyes and i can't seem to get to feed them. I don't want them to die and i want to help them but i don't know how can you help me please. I don't know how to help them make a nest and sleep so i need your help.
                            Thanx Joana

You should be able to find your answers in this FAQ at

Basically, the mother rabbit is only in the nest for about 5 minutes a day, the rest of the time she stays away.

The FAQ also tells what to feed and how much.

If they look healthy, it would be best to return them to the nest and check back the next day to see if they still look healthy.
