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rabbits shedding baddly and mushy poop

22 10:47:51

is it normal when rabbits shed really bad in the summer? and is it normal for a rabbit to have really soggy and mushy poop?

Dear Stephanie,

Some rabbits shed very heavily in the summer.  As long as the skin is healthy and pale, not red, irritated, or flaky, it's not a problem.  But *be sure* to groom off all the loose fur well every day, until it's gone.  You don't want your bunny licking it off when he grooms himself.  Also provide unlimited fresh timothy hay and fresh, wet greens to promote healty intestines that can easily pass any ingested hair.  Read more about this here:

The mushy poop is a sign of a health problem, and its causes and treatments can be found here:

The most common cause of this problem is incorrect diet:

but untreated dental problems, excessive heat, etc. all can cause enough stress to trigger this potentially dangerous problem:

You can find a good rabbit vet to help you here:

Hope that helps.
