Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Mother bunny and her youngsters

Mother bunny and her youngsters

22 11:12:53

I'm taking care of a female rabbit that gave birth to 4 offsprings 2 month ago. I have to give them away and I was thinking that a farm that keeps bunies (not for meat or anything like that) would be the best choice. But I'm worried whether the mother would get depressed because of the seperation. I'm planning to leave them all at the farm for about two weeks and then take the mother back. I would appreciate any advice given. Thank you in advance

The mother will not mind.  They wean the babies at 6-8 weeks of age and then never expect to see them again.  She might miss having the companionship of another rabbit, but they don't think of children in the same way we do, so she will not miss them.
