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Possible Hayfever

22 11:24:08


I have a rabbit, that we bred, who is now four months old.

I noticed a couple of weeks ago that his nose was a little wet. His eyes were fine, as was his appetite, his nature, his stools and he was drinking.  The discharge was colourless, and just above the nose. Just enough to make his fur a little damp.

We had the vets the next day anyway for VHD jabs, and so I mentioned it to her, and she said to take him back if there was a problem with it, i.e. with the eyes, or if it went like mucus or anything like that.

It seems to be getting worse.  It's still colourless, however its now around the nose area, not just above it.  He doesn't have a runny nose, and he isn't acting like he has a cold (I lost a rabbit to that, so I know what the signs are) and again, he's still eating and just being his general cocky self, no stool problems, or anything.

I didn't notice a problem until I changed his hay when I moved, becasue I could no longer get the other brand.

I'm wondering whether this could be a type of hayfever? I've heard that is possible in rabbits.  I did discuss this idea with the vet and she said it was possible.

I have stopped giving him as much hay, and am giving him more sawdust.

Is there anything you can recommend that I do?  He isnt bothered by his nose at all, however I find it stressful constantly being on the look out for a cold, and also as the warmer weather comes into play, this might get worse for him, and I wouldn't want that.

Could this be a slow developing cold? Although seeing the speed with which my other rabbit got ill that doesnt seem likely, but then I don't ahve much knowledge.

I'm not keen on taking him to the vet when he is happy within himself, eating, toileting, drinking. His eyes are fine, he is certainly not lethargic in any sense.

I was just wondering if you could offer me any help or advice on this. Or maybe point me in the direction of some.

There is always the chance I'm being totally paranoid, and maybe he just has a wetter than average nose?

Thank you very much


Dear Tracy,

I have found that a clear discharge from the nose can often indicate an *early* upper respiratory infection.  We usually don't wait for the discharge to become opaque and tinged with pus (white or yellow) before we take a sample (via deep nasal culture) for culture and sensitivity testing:

Upper respiratory infection isn't the only thing that can cause runny nose, however.  Please see the following article for some other possible causes:

Your bunny isn't likely to die suddenly from this, but it is a good idea to get it treated if it's a bacterial infection.  No sense in letting it get worse when it might be more easily treated now.  I just have serious doubts about this type of thing ever being due to allergies in rabbits.

I hope this helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
