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How old can a rabbit eat papaya pills?

22 10:41:25

Dear Doctor,

My rabbit is a little bit more than 1 month old lop. I heard some people say only when rabbit is more 2 month old can take papaya pills. Is that right? Can my rabbit also eat it?
How much pellets should i feed her every day?

Hi Cathy

First I would like to inform you that I am not a doctor.  I am a veterinary technician.  However I also raise rabbits and am quite knowledgeable about them.

As long as a rabbit is eating pellets and hay regularly (usually around 3-4 weeks) then they can have papaya pills.  They will not hurt them and some people say they are good for them.  You don't want to over due it though, mine get 1 per week and then 2 - 3 during molting.

A baby that is a month old should be free fed.  You should let it have as many pellets as it wants.  Once they become about 4 or 5 months old you want to cut back to 1 ounce of pellets per pound of body weight.  For example a 4 pound rabbit should get 1/4 cup of feed per day.  You also want to make sure the little one is getting as much hay as she can eat.  As long as you are feeding good quality feed then timothy or grass hay is best.  Alfalfa hay is to high in protein and can cause kidney problems.

Good luck
