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rabbit wound

22 10:01:07

My rabbit has a wound on his front paw and there is pus coming from his foot.  also it is very swollen. what can i do because he keeps bitting at it?

Hi Jodi,

Rabbits do not tolerate infections well.  You really need to get your bunny to a rabbit savvy vet.  They can treat the wound and give him rabbit safe antibiotics.  They can also help you wrap it if necessary.  Rabbits aren't too fond of having things wrapped around their feet either.  If the vet thinks it is a serious wound they may put him in an Elizabethan collar until the wound heals.

If you do not have a rabbit savvy vet you can try this site;

I am sorry your bunny is ill.  Rabbits are just so sensitive that the only antibiotics that are safe are by prescription only.

Good luck
