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Bunny Love

22 11:20:36

I just rescued a rabbit yesterday. He's about 2-3 years old. He's doing really well. He already is going in a litter box and he never had one before. He's very friendly too...well aactually a little too friendly. That's the problem. He loves me so much that I think I'm his new mate! I have tried making loud noises to distract him from using my leg as a humping post, I've picked him up and placed him away from me...nothing seems to work, he just comes right back and keeps going. If you have any suggestions for me I would really appreciate it. I would like to stop this behaviour before it gets too out of hand. He's also not neuterd, I'm guessing that has something to do with it?

Dear Chelsea,

Yes, you guessed it!  He needs to be neutered ASAP, as that's the only way to stop his amorous behavior.  Right after the surgery, he might have a little spurt of *extra* affection, but gradually the behavior will resolve, and he'll be his lovable self without all that lust.

Please see:


for more information, and use the list linked here:

to find a good, rabbit-experienced vet to help you.

Good luck!