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Suitable breeds for a child?

22 11:36:35


My daughter is 10 years old and desperately wants a rabbit. We have done a bit of research into care etc on the internet and plan to buy her bunny this weekend.

Our local pet shop has baby dwarf lops for sale. These are really cute but are they a good 'first' bunny for a child?

Also, is it a good idea to keep guinea pigs with rabbits as companions? I don't want to breed the rabbit but it seems cruel to keep it on its own.

Thanks for your help

Kath Mellis

Hi Kath,

Dwarf lops are good first bunnies as any. It's not cruel to keep a rabbit on its own as long as it gets human attention. But if you would prefer to get her another for company, then you should get two females. You could keep a guinea pig with a rabbit if both are babies when introduced. Some people have rabbits and guinea pigs who are best friends but others fight and injure each other badly. Although they are likely to get along if introduced while young, I would recommend two female rabbits as a much safer option.

Hope this Helps