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re bucks testes

22 10:01:27

Hi, I have noticed few days ago while grooming my angora buck that one of his testies has literally dried up. He did't show any signs of stress or anything so I just let him be.  But today my other angora buck who shares a cage with the above rabbit developed some sort of infection on one of his testies as well, and is being more quiet than usuall.  He still eats and drinks. should I be worried???

Thanks ,

Dear Yana,

Two unneutered males in the same cage is truly a recipe for disaster.  They might not be doing it while you watch, but it's very likely that they are fighting, and that they have tried to go for each other's testicles (this is normal male fighting behavior--even in humans, believe it or not!).

Please get both to a good rabbit vet:

and have them neutered.  Then you can try bonding them with the tips here:

But they will need a large space and plenty of room to get away from each other, if this is to succeed.  

I hope this helps
