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Housebreaking & Grooming

18 17:39:32

QUESTION: Hello! I just purchased a 10 weeks maltese-very cute and loving! I am training him to use the Jump Start puppy pad for indoors. He uses it about 30% of the time. We set the puppy pad close to the kitchen on vinyl floors. The rest of my house is carpet-where he loves to handle his business. Do you think it is the vinyl floor that is causing him to go on the carpet rather then the puppy pad? What can I do to make him use the puppy pad? We've tried almost every suggestion offered online and have had no luck.

Also, I love his puppy short cut. How quickly does Maltese hair grow?

ANSWER: Most dogs get about half an inch of hair growth a month.  You should be able to keep his shorter length as long as you keep him brushed well and have him groomed every 6 to 8 weeks.  I don't like the use of puppy pads because it is letting the dog potty  inside and letting him go in one place inside and not another is confusing for him.  Some dogs prefer to potty in the same place every time and that may be why he keeps using the carpet.  The best way I have ever found to potty train is by using a kennel/crate.  Crate training is extremely affective, you should be able to find numerous articles about it online.  Let me know if you have anymore questions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the great advice above. I do have another concern. Recently, we purchased the puppy play pen to help with the training. Its an octagon shape about 18 1/2 square feet-a place where he can eat, sleep, play & potty (His kennel is also placed in the play pen). With consistency from us, do you think this will be effective? Is it okay to leave him in there overnight? He has been whining at night and we don't know what we can do to keep him from crying at night while in his play pen.

The only problem I can see with him being in his play pen would be that he is still using the bathroom inside.  The point of using the kennel when you can't watch him is that he wont pee (or most dogs wont) or poop where he sleeps or in his "den", which has to be a small area like a kennel.  You should leave him in there over night and you could put a worn T-shirt in there with him to help him feel closer to you.  Also, give him a treat when you put him in so that he looks forward to going into his kennel or pen.  He is still very young, so with your consistency he should catch on.