Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > diet / allergies / my dearest friend Zozer 10 yr old toy poodle

diet / allergies / my dearest friend Zozer 10 yr old toy poodle

18 17:15:29

plse help.  my 10 yr old toy poodle,Zozer, has it bad . his liver blows up if he eats protein,if he eats to much fat his pancreas blows up. eye spec. said he dosnt have cardiacs but behind his eye blew up and caused the cloudy film on his eye ive tried cooked chicken and rice, raw chicken  all vet foods if he smells diabetic food he pucks right away he also reacted badly to his rabbi shot and to all meds if seems ive spent apprx, 5k and right now he's been on oats and cooked chicken for 5 to 7 days  and his rib cage looks swollen again . he'll be going in tomorrow for more blood tests but the vet has left finding a diet up to me ..and ive been trying now for about a yr. and im so lost thanks for anything and every thing u may have to say fr.lisa and zozer  seems rice make his eyes leak . corn meal he pucks up pumpkin he pukes  up ,one lick of butter makes him puke and that just a film of butter of my finger any dairy gives him diarrhea,and meds to put him out for his teeth cleaning  are hard on him breathing , puking on some med's broccoli makes him swell potatoes no  will not eat carrots peas will eat pineapple also his eyes get itchy his nose gets itchy within min's of encountering allergy he's always in a good mood and will be active if asked so its hard sometimes to tell right away how bad off he might be  plse help me save my Zozer

Hi Lisa, No more immunizations for Zozer!  He is too weak to get any of the Rabies shots or yearly injections.  ( tell your vet this)
Here is a supplement and diet to try.  I see you have very few things that Zozer can eat in his diet.  SEE here : Hope this helps.

There are so many good recipes but you mentioned many ingredients that Zozer can't have in his diet:

Try this:

LOW PROTEIN to help with Liver and Pancreas problems:

1/2 pkg. Salad Macaroni (cooked)  - Elbow macaroni

1 Cup Brown Rice *(Cook separately: 1C Rice w/2.5 C water/45 min.)
OR ********
( IF you can't do the rice, then do OATS)  ( cook the OATS first then add to pasta)

2 Eggs Hard-boiled and chopped up finely - diced
1/2 can green peas

Mix everything together. Can be frozen in small portions.
FREEZER Zip-lock baggies

YOU can also add some :

I've also added a little bit of cooked ground chicken...and doubled the recipe for ease and frozen it in serving size portions.

Give Zozer 1 NuVET Wafer per day - This is a MUST to balance out this diet.
Otherwise the diet won't be good for him.----- NEED the Balance:
NuVET will ship to Canada,  Call  1-800-474-7044   ( tell them ORDER Discount Code 81098) -  Let them know you are working with Marie Peppers on home cooking:
NuVET also makes a powder you can mix into the food....( or the TREAT wafer)
You can order the powder and they can send you some wafer samples.
This has a 60 day MONEY back Guarantee...
If you go on auto ship you get 15% off every order.

It's also an ALLERGY blaster and helps with the Liver and Pancreas to reduce swelling and inflammation.  Helps to digest nutrients.

HOPE this helps !
Keep my private e-mail

Keep me posted

Marie Peppers LPN MA