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new dogs, runny poop

18 17:23:37

I have recently adopted two APBT's.  They have been with me for aprox 4 months.  Both at aprox 100 lbs.  Seem to have adjusted to change well.  Happy and energetic.  One is 2yrs the other 1 1/2yrs.  We feed them a no name dog food the previous owner said they did well on.  They very rarely have solid stool.  mostly semi solid and often runny.  They eat well and there has been no vomit.  One has lost a little weight, nothing significant.  Do you have any suggestions for correcting this before I take them to a vet.  The two year old has more of a problem then the 1 1/2 yr old.  They also have some gas.

Thank you for your consideration,


Hi Mariah,

I'm not sure what happened to my original reply, I sent it a couple of days ago and it appears to have been lost in cyberspace.  I wanted to ask if switching your dogs to a premium quality food is an option for you? I do sympathize that finances are always a consideration, but if the no-name food is creating gastric issues I'd seriously consider upgrading the diet. Let me know if this is an option before I start rattling off brand ideas. What's the name of the food you're using now?

It's important to remember that saving a little money on lower quality food NOW might mean spending a whole lot more at the vet later on. The cost of a dog should be looked at over the whole life span, and premium foods go a long way to supporting health and longevity.
