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Dog Hotspots

18 17:24:58

QUESTION: Rufus my 5 year old golden retriever has suffered from hotspots, increased scratching and licking of his fur for four weeks.  This started within a week after have his yearly vaccination boost.  After looking at information available on the internet, I realise that this might be an adverse reaction to the vaccine (vaccinosis, and now I'm questioning the necessity of yearly boosters, as surely dogs like humans must build up antibodies, and also how safe they are.  Rufus has had some antibiotics from the vet which cleared up the original site, but was still scratching and another hot spot has appeared, the vet supposed steroids, but I am strongly opposed to using them.
I decided to treat Rufus naturally and am using apple cyder vinegar to ease the itching, fish oils to bring down inflammation and boost immunity.  This treatment is containing the problem, but I would also like to try some homeopathic medicine in order to rid him of toxins and hopefully alleviate the problem.  I hope you can recommend what would help - I have read that silca and hepar sulph are used for such a problem, and wonder whether it is okay to use the same as what would be suitable for humans?
I appreciate your help.
Many thanks - Susan

ANSWER: I can't help you with this Susan, as I am a nutritionist and I have no training in homeopathy whatsoever. My own approach to hot posts - my LabX had them yearly - involved shaving and drying the area, as well as nutritional therapy. My girl was never vaccinated past age 4 but had them till the last year of her life. For us the trick was keeping fleas off her. But once one starts, its imperative to keep it dry.

I believe in supporting the immune system through diet and supplements, but I'm sure you can find reliable information on canine homeopathy elsewhere online.

Let me know if I can help more, in terms of diet;

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Catherine
Thank you for your reply.  I would be interested in any dietary advice that might help Rufus re his hotspots. At the moment we are giving him mainly pilchards fish, which is rich in omega 3 oils, supposed to bring down inflammation so we can try and avoid steroids.  Also we are giving him fish oil supplements and kelp (seaweed), some raw carrot and cyder vinegar mixed in.
I'm not sure what else could help him and would appreciate any suggestions.

In all fairness, this is not enough information for me to help you very much. Are you adding adequate levels of all the nutrients fish is low in? Copper iron zinc etc? Are you adding VitaminD,and calcium?
What about carbs/fiber?

I would be happy to analyze the diet you are using and/or develop new ones if need be. Please refer to my Services page at

If I can help any more I would be delighted to do so.

All the best,