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allergies & food

18 17:22:36


fall 2009
Hi...I have a 1 1/2 yr old intact male golden (75 lbs) who has developed some type of GI food allergies in the past 9 months.  he use to be on a moderately higher protein food and suddenly began having more frequent eposides of loose stools, diarrhea, etc. As a young pup, he use to chew feet, tail, dry skin. Breeder used Eagle Pack chicken.

  Long story short - he has recently been on Natural Balance dry sweet potato & vension and I add in some ground turkey or ground chicken for a little extra protein.  He has no dry skin, doesn't chew, stools firm, etc.....coat is just ok (has been better).  On Friday I started on a new bag of the same food and by yesterday afternoon - bad diarrhea.  The food appears to be a little darker and smaller than the previous bag.  I have left message with the company as I have read on line that Natural Balance keeps on changing their formula.

 I am trying to find a good allergy formula food for my dog.Even canned dog food can cause GI upsets.  Thanks

Hi Janice, What a beautiful photo of your Golden boy!  I sure do like the Evanger's Brands -
They make a number of game meats and some allergy formulas.  See if you can find Evanger's in your local pet stores.
I also refer to Innova EVO products, but they may be too rich for his belly.

You may also want to look into some of the Merrick formulas of dog food.
Another option is SoJos - home-cooking mixes - you just add the cooked meats:
The GREEN bag is the grain-free one to get:
SEE here - free shipping link:

Check out NuVET supplements, too.  Most of my clients take NuVET each day.  NuVET does help with digestion and re-builds the immune system to help fight off allergens.
SEE here for NuVET -
Tell them PET nurse Marie Peppers is working with you.

Don't forget a good probioitc for his belly:  If you need some brands, I can suggest a few...
Let me know if you need more help.

Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse