Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > 12-13 yr Pekinese Diet Requirements ; Innova ; Wellness dog food ; NuVET Powder vitamins ;

12-13 yr Pekinese Diet Requirements ; Innova ; Wellness dog food ; NuVET Powder vitamins ;

18 17:23:15

Dear Marie,
My Peke has not been eating that well lately and has noticeably been loosing weight.  I started feeding him cooked lean meat with rice and Pedigree canned food mix.(He is bored with it)  He had a loose stool for a while, I anticipated virus, but now has returned to hard stool, but a small stool.  
What is the correct diet foods, portions and vitamins for his age?  
He has also been sleeping more and more (a lot more), is their anything to I can do for his over sleeping.


Wafers OR Powder
SoJo Grain free dog food; thryoid levels; lightly cooked meats and SoJo:

Hi Jeff-  Sure, I can help - You may want to have the Vet check the Thyroid levels...
Here is my plan for your senior citizen canine:

1.  No more Pedigree ( see if you can find some food - Canned : Innova; Wellness; Solid Gold ; or Merrick dog stews...

Mostly found at the local pet store.
2.  Please give your little one some of this dog food 1 x per day :  SoJo grain free - found at many pets stores or here:  YOU will add your own fresh Lightly cooked meats to the SoJO.

free shipping here:

3.  Please call the NuVET folks and get the powder - LET'S give this doggie some PUPPY energy... The NuVET Plus has a powder or Wafer - you need the powder...
*they have a 20.00; 39.00; and 55.00 size bottle... Also, ask the girls how to get the 15% Off.
NuVET will help with digestion and appetite - over all wonderful supplement for all ages.
MIX 1 teaspoon per day into the dog food.
CALL in for Quick shipping ( HOLISTIC and safe) / not is stores/ Thru holistic vets....

1-800-474-7044   Tell them Pet Nurse Marie Peppers sent you with order code 81098
here is the web site but Please CALL in the order:

So, for food - a good quality canned ( or even a 1/4 cup of dry ) each am..
Canned food - about 4 tablespoons in the am.
In the PM or late afternoon - the SoJO home cooking - ( you can cook up 4 days at a time)
JUST about 1/2 cup per day of the SoJo home cooking MIX...

Give the NuVET 1 x per day in the am Or pm meal-

WATCH in 2 weeks you will see less sleeping and a more active canine....( I HOPE)...
I have seen very positive results on the NuVET powder and wafers...

KEEP me posted..
My private e-mail

Marie Peppers LPN MA