Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > Apples - can be poison to dogs;

Apples - can be poison to dogs;

18 17:20:35

I have a large apple tree that my dog is rather fond of.  He loves to bite into fallen apples, more in a playful fashion.  He doesn't seem to eat them per say.  I understand that apple flesh is ok, but seeds are not.  Just today I cut up an apple and gave him a couple of thin slithers, which he enjoyed.  I made certain seeds were removed.  By offering him the fruit, could I be encouraging him to eat whole fallen apples?  Should I get rid of the tree?  I know it sounds extreme, but I worry about poisoning.
Regards, Gisella

Hi Gisella,  Apple seeds are poisonous, containing cyanogenic glycosides.
Too much of this can lead to cyanide poisoning.
So, you may want to cut the tree down, if you think he is eating the whole apple?????

So, you are not being extreme about being concerned.

Good question!
BEST wishes

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse