Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > Feeding my dog home-made foods;

Feeding my dog home-made foods;

18 17:22:24

QUESTION: Hello,  I would like to learn about home cooked meals for my dog. Where would I begin?

Thank you!

ANSWER: Hi Janet; Sure, I would love to help you with home cooking recipes ....
What kind of breed do you have?
What are you currently feeding your dog?
Is your dog over weight-
Are there any medical problems that I need to know?

I will send some easy recipes to you...
Just get back to me with the answers.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

My dog is a 15 month old Jack Russell Terrier.  He is not overweight,   about 15 lbs.  He is eating Natural Balance Duck and Potato.  I think he may have food allergies.  He was always scratching and had an open sore on his neck and licked his paws quite a bit.  Someone had suggested feeding him a grain free food and he was better within a couple days.  This was a few months ago.  He seems to be getting a little itchie again and gently scratches the inside of his ears.  I checked and there are no mites or ear dirt that I can see.  His coat is shinny and skin looks good.  He hates his food!  I do believe he has digestive issues.  At 9 wks old when I got him I was told that he had been on antibiotics a couple of times for some bumps on his lips.  They said he was rubbing his mouth on the plasic pee pads.  His poop was like pudding every evening until I switched his food.  Now it is sometimes soft but usually normal.  My poor little guy.  I really do not want to feed raw unless I have to.  I was told home cooked food is people food and not good for dogs and has lost all its nutrients in the cooking...I want to do the best for him and his tummy!  Thanks for helping.  I also have no clue how to balance everything for him.  Janet

Food for Jack Russel with allergies;  EASY - we will start off with two balanced recipes.
The raw food folks will tell you the ONLY way to go is RAW, and that is just not so...
Home-cooking doesn't destroy all the nutrients, just some.
It is still a great way to feed your animals - SEE here:

This will be easy to digest -

Let me know if you have any questions:

Beef recipe :  ( Let's do beef for the first 3 weeks - after that - you can try a ground lamb for the next 3 weeks)  : That way you can rule out any allergies.

Beef and Rice  (* Double this recipe - this is  enough for ONE meal per day for a Jack Russel size of breed)  ( break up into 2-3 feedings per day)
Don't worry about veggies right now : unless you want to offer some canned ( unsalted) green beans each day - just 1/2 cup or less....
Otherwise, let's stay away from veggies.

1/4 pound very lean beef (un-cooked  weight), *(cook all meats)
Later on ****
** ( DO Lamb or chicken)**

1 egg, large, hard-boiled
2 cups brown rice, long-grain, cooked  - **must be brown rice only.
4 bonemeal tablets (10-grain or equivalent) -  GET at health food store
- MUST find this...bonemeal is needed for home-cooking

1/4 teaspoon salt substitute (potassium chloride) - Get at health food store
1 multiple vitamin-mineral ( 1 --NuVET Waffer  per day :) see below:

ALL my clients use NuVET Plus to balance out the HOME cooking:

( not doubleed will Provide 730 kilocalories, 40.7 grams protein, 19.7 grams fat.)

To order-
NuVET vitamins:

NuVET Plus supplements :

Use 1 wafer per day of the NuVET Plus -  ( EASY on the belly - so, no worries)
Please tell them Marie Peppers sent you from All Experts:
39.00 for the 60 count bottle of Wafer treats
55.00 for the 90 count bottle of Wafer treats
Use Order code 81098 and ASK HOW you can get the 15% OFF every order.

Keep me posted.
As he gets older, you will want to add the NuJoint supplements, too.
This is for a dog over the age of 2 years.
For now, just stick with the bonemeal and the NuVET Plus.

You can also add 1 teaspoon per day of Salmon oil or Pure olive oil to his food.
No more than just the 1 teaspoon per day.
GREAT for the skin, coat, hips and joints.

BEST wishes
Keep me posted...
Here is my private e-mail

Marie Peppers LPN MA

ASK the Pet Nurse