Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > My dog has Pancreatitis ; dog food for pancreatisis;

My dog has Pancreatitis ; dog food for pancreatisis;

18 17:25:16

Hi, my boxer "Waldo" is 5 years old. He weights approximately 90lbs. Since he's been a baby, he has had stomach issues. Diarrhea, vomiting, won't eat for a couple days, etc. This causes him pain also. I was informed by my veterinarian to switch his food (Lifes Abundance) to Hills Prescription xd. I am very concerned with feeding him manufactured dog foods. I can't  stand the thought he's getting "by products", preservatives/chemicals & other junk they throw in.
My question is... Is Hills prescription diet a good dog food and if not, what do you suggest?

Thank you in advance

Hi Lori, The pancreatitis is related to high fat content.  Did you give him table foods or pig ears often.  If you place him on a lower fat diet with less Fillers he will be well again.
Here is what I would do:

1. buy some turkey or chicken -  both will be fine:  Cook up the meat and add it to some SoJO grain free dog mix.
SoJo is almost cooking from scratch:
**buy the grain free SoJO and add fresh Lightly browned lean meats.

<<< here is the link for SoJO : they will ship right to your door/ free shipping> >>>>
This is a wonderful food for a lifetime of health...

Also, give 1 NuVET wafer per day / A must when you do home-cooking / this will also help with digestion.  NuVET helps all the body's systems...
Please see here:

BEST wishes with the SoJO and the NuVET wafers...

NO snacks for this kid....OK

KEEP me posted

Marie Peppers LPN MA