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Substitution for canned U/D

18 17:23:31

12 Y.O. male Schnauzer with hx of bladder stones, had surgery twice to remove stones and was told he is possibly developing kidney stones now. Was diagnosed with colitis and placed on Science Diet U/D. Now has 3-5 bowel movements daily, very soft and straining at times. Explosive at times. Prescribed metronizadol 1.5 ml evry 12 hours. Any suggestions for firming the stool and alleviating an apparent inflammation of the bowel without increasing possibility of repeating bladder stones?
Thank you.

Hello Chris,

A dog like yours requires a consultation, a home made diet developed specifically for his unique needs. I work with cases like this all the time, the nutrient levels need to be carefully adjusted to not only cover his essential requirements but address the stones and the bowel sensitivity. It's not responsible of me to hand out a generic diet that may or may not be helpful in terms of the bowel, if you look at my Services page you will see that I offer ongoing support as we adjust the diet according to your dog's response.  I highly recommend a home made diet, if you are interested in pursuing this with me please  check my Services page at - I'd be delighted to help with your dog's issues.

ALl the best, Catherine