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hot spots - NuVET Plus for skin and coat: Melatonin, too

18 17:22:42

I too have a pitbull who is 4 years old now who just started with red hives behind the ears, all over the stomach like a rash.My pitbull is very spoiled and seems to break out after we leave him to go to work. Do this dogs have a nervous disorder or is it because of the food? I have bathed him in oatmeal shampoo and it seems to help for a while but then comes back any suggestions?


I love nuvet plus
*pitbull dog vitamins ; nuvet hot spot spray;  Let me know if you like the NuVET pitbull supplements?  
I am hear if you need me...
Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse

Wow Bonnie - Yes, sounds like some anxiety and allergies mixed?  Hard to say....
YOU can try some Melatonin -  3 mg (1) PER DAY - THIS IS NOT A DRUG, it will take some of the anxiety away - give 1 hour before you leave the house.

Also, Place this baby onto some NuVET Plus - this is one of the best pitbull vitamins in the world.... GREAT for skin/coat and all the body's systems.
SEE here:  not sold in stores: All natural and Holistic
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you over from the pitbull all experts site.

Keep me posted-
write down my name and e-mail
Marie Peppers LPN MA