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Supplement diet?

18 17:25:42

We have a 6 month old Dogo Argentino.  He weighs about 68 lbs currently.  We feed him Diamond Large Breed Puppy Food, although we include 1 scrambled egg, 2 tbls yogurt, Fish oil capsule, 500 mg vitamin C daily(all recommended by breeder).  Is this too much? He also gets dehydrated liver and deer meat as treats. The other recommendation was for Glucosamine, but I find conflicting information on it and I feel like we may be over supplementing as it is.  Do you have any advice on supplementing?  Thanks!

Good afternoon, Shelly.

Dogo Argentinos are beautiful dogs!!

What you are supplementing with is fine.  The recommendation from your breeder to supplement with vitamin C is to aid in healthy development of the joints and connective tissue throughout development.  Dogs do produce their own vitamin C, however, many have found it beneficial to supplement with it.  It isn't necessary, at the same time not a bad thing, to add egg or yogurt, but your breeder knows what has worked for his/her line.  Any fresh food in general is good for your pup, you just have to be careful not to give too much extras as you don't want to interfere with the nutrient balance provided by the food.

I would not, at this point, add a glucosamine supplement.  Glucosamine is not a preventative for joint problems, rather, it is helpful in providing what the joints need as a dog ages or if a dog has arthritis problems.  I don't think it will hurt to add a supplement, I just don't feel it's necessary for a pup.

Good luck.
