Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > Dog Food - Itching dog / How about Innova EVO food

Dog Food - Itching dog / How about Innova EVO food

18 17:26:02

QUESTION: My dog Mya is 2 years old. She scratches all the time...I've taken her to the vet and he told me it was a flea bite allergy but she has not had fleas. He gave her a shot & steroids to take along with an antibiotic. This only helped a little. She's a Lab/Shepherd mix, 2 and a half years old. She weighs around 60lbs. I currently feed Purina dog chow...I was wondering if there was something I could feed her that would be better for her skin.

ANSWER: Lacie, I can help! Glad you did see the vet for a diagnosis...

Yes, I would make a food change, add some oils, and add a few supplements to her diet.
What country are you in?  I can recommend some brands for you to find at the local pet store.

Let me know

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I live in Pennsylvania

Oh Boy!  I wish the vet told you about the grains and corns that are in the Purina Dog Chow.
YES, I can help you and your Mya!
Let's get her off of the Purina and onto a GRAIN free dog food:
Look for Innova EVO or Wellness Core - at your local pet store.
Place her on a 50/50 mix of the two foods for about 3 weeks.
AFTER that, just give 100% of the NEW Grain free dog food.
If you can't find Wellness Core or Innova EVO, let me know and I will suggest a few others to look for.  It will cost more than Purina but YOU are what you eat ..... YOUR Mya will be very healthy and will be able to stay AWAY from the VET office.
POOPS will be smaller and you feed less of a grain free food.
MUCH more condensed with good stuff....NO junk.
The big poops are all the corns and junk in the Purina.

OK, NEXT - Please give her some PURE salmon oil - must be pure - you can find this at the local pet store:  Give her 1 tablespoon per day - mixed into her food.

Also, I would like to see her on a good Probiotic:
Nature's Sunshine Flora Force:
EXCELLENT to stop the itching and any rashes or hot spots/ even gets rid of EAR Infections...!!!
Give her 2 per day for 30 days , then go down to 1 per day for 2-3 months.
VERY safe and HUMAN grade - you can take it too...

Flora Force / Probiotic

Now - Immune system booster/ vitamins
for the Allergies ? / (? environmental and food allergies...- NuVET plus will help - They give a 60 day money back guarantee... Worth a try: No risk / safe and guaranteed...I have many of my clients on the NuVET.

** - start out with a 90 count and go on auto ship:
Give  her 1 1/2 NuVET wafers per day for the first 15 days , then you can go down to just one treat wafer per day:

NuVET will cost you about .60 cents per day/

 This is something she should be on for a lifetime.   
They have over 35000 dogs taking the product each day...
If you go onto auto ship will get a 15% discount on every order.
All the product is made in a FDA lab in California/  All human grade quality.

Call Monday and order /  tell them Marie of All Experts/ sent you:
**any questions: they girls are very educated on the products...JUST ask them, or e-mail me with questions????

 ~~~~Ask Pet Nurse Marie sent you ....referral code 81098 ~~~~
They don't sell to the public without a vet code.

NOT sold in stores,,,,, just thru Holistic vets and some breeders.
YOU CAN order on-Line:
Here is the link - to the E-store
again, write down the ordering code 81098
LOOK for the 60 count or 90 count bottles -  They even make a 180 count bottle of NuVET Wafers

Also, here is my Doggie Hotel site-  Visit us sometime!  ( on-line)

LAST, we can add a few more supplements but I would like to wait and try the Food change, Probiotic Flora Force, Salmon oil and the NuVET immune system booster....
WE can add a few others, if needed.

As far as fleas - I have a great natural spray recipe : you can get the product at most health stores or buy from Natures Sunshine -
Here it is:

Make Bandit's Flea Buster Spray*****

Bandit's Flea Buster Spray: 8 Oz Water, 4-6 Drops of Tea Tree Oil, 4-
6 Drops of Lavender Oil. Keep in the refrigerator, shake well before
using and spray lightly, do not soak the coat.

USE Nature's Sunshine Products....
FYI - member prices
Ask Marie about the 20% or higher discount... ( you can join as a Member and get some great discounts and never pay retail again>>>>>

Pet Nurse Marie /

Don't order any of the oils till you talk to Marie....she can help you get Member prices at Nature's Sunshine...
Fast shipping and FRESH product.
Don't use the old stuff at the Walmart !

NEXT - Make your own powder:

Make your own Powder for flea repelling!

Herbal Flea Repellant Powder:
recipe from "All You Ever Wanted to
Know about Herbs for Pets"
by Mary Wullf-Tilford,

1 part Diatamacous Earth,
2 parts Feverfew flowers,
2 parts Mullein flowers,
2 parts yarrow flowers,
1 part sage or thyme.

( "A Part" is just an amount - could be 1 cup or 1/2 cup )
YOU decide how big your recipe will be:

Any Questions???
Just ask
Marie Peppers