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Free dog food recipes; home cooking for your pooch ; homemade stew for dogs;

18 17:14:10


I recently received some free samples of the following dog food:

Would you give me your opinion on a diet for my dog of either just raw, or raw mixed with kibbles?  (I usually use Merrick brand kibbles).

Thank you in advance,

dog food  stew recipes
dog food stew recipes  
Hi Robin,  I hear they are a good brand of Raw pet food;  We do not feed raw here at our facility;
If you have been happy with the Merrick brand I would stick with that brand.  
Raw food ( Primal ) is much more expensive than the current feeding options.
If you want to feed something special how about you use my doggie meatball recipe as a special meal or treat:  Dog Meatballs - can be used for both dogs as a snack or as a meal - YOU can use this as the Am meal or the PM meal..


Dog Dog Food Recipe by Michele, provided to her by her vet.

1 pound Ground chicken
1 pound Ground beef
2% small curd cottage cheese  - 1/2 cup
2 cups quacker oats soaked in low sodium chicken broth-( regular not the Fast cook)  
1 cup peas
1/2 cup string beans
2 tablespoons salmon or fish oil (health food store or break open capsules from grocery store)
3 eggs
1  boiled yam or sweet potatoe -this is great protein and helps keep everything moist.

Mix together and make into meatballs the size of your dogs portion. Bake them at 350 until they are completely done.
Freeze into bags and warm up in microwave until warm and serve. They should love it and it is all digested so there is very little waste and smell.

Add 1 NuVET Plus Wafer vitamin for each dog each day- ( Daily Dog Vitamin )
see here:

Tell them Pet nurse Marie sent you over....NOT sold in stores.

Sorry I can't help you with the RAW food questions as I do not endorse feeding raw and have very little experience with raw feeding

 Some great recipes on my blog and suggestions for Commercial Brands of dog kibble , too
SEE here
Homemade stew for dogs