Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > Fruits


18 17:27:23

What raw or cooked fruits are ok for dogs to eat?  My 9-yr old lab threw up 6 times a few days ago and I think she ate some raw figs out of a friend's back yard.  I have given her some raw apple without the peel, which she didn't have a problem with though I've never given her more than 1/2 an apple at a time.  What about bananas, grapes, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, oranges, etc?

Thanks for your time.

Good afternoon, SJ.

There are many fruits that are safe for dogs, including figs.  Your lab likely ingested too many, including the pits.

The primary fruits to avoid for dogs are grapes, raisins and avocado.  Aside from that, fruits in general are a fine snack for dogs.

I do hope she's feeling better.

Gail E. Vigneault