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Preventative diet

18 17:23:07

We have 2 Japanese Chin dogs 4 and 5 years old. The youngest pup has developed bladder stones. We are having the operation to remove, but want to avoid the same problem in the future. I have been researching dog foods on the internet, since diet is a major factor in bladder stones forming. What dog foods do you recommend for my situation. I am leaning towards Wellness Supermix small dog formula
. Thanks for your advise.

Hi Arnold,

What kind of stones does your dog have? I recommend a home made diet if you are able to have it formulated specifically for A) the type of stones your dog has and B) the other factors we need to consider, as a dog is more than his or her condition, we need to supply appropriate nutrient levels for all needs. If this is not a possibility, I would still need to know the type of stone before making a recommendation. Oxalate is much harder to deal with than struvite - usually.

All the best, Catherine