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raw food/joints/knee

18 17:15:58

One of the "feed your dog raw bones" websites made a connection to joint/knee health of dogs. is there any way that my dogs slipping knee problem (tiny, but overweight chihuahua/Yorkie mix) can improve simply by weight loss and a raw chicken meaty bone diet? Also,...can or can dogs NOT have salmonella problems? Why does nobody agree???
Thanks so much!

I would stick to a commercial diet, but enough less of it to achieve good body condition.  See  Weight loss is one thing that will help.  Your vet may have some other help.  

Dogs are less susceptible to salmonella than people, but not immune from it.  Dogs eating raw diets have died from it.  

''Why does nobody agree???''

It is like Aristotle and Galileo. Aristotle though about it, and declared heavier objects fall faster then light ones. For most of the next 2000 years, educated people knew that. Then at the dawn of modern science, Galileo lugged the large and small balls up the the tower of Pisa, and dropped them off. They hadn't read Aristotle, and both hit the ground at the same time. I am afraid the dog world is full of thinkers.

They fill the internet with speculations that sound good to them.  They generalize from a few cases, or even one case.  They claim to have done extensive research, but mostly it consists of searching the internet for websites that reinforce their world view.  Some people allow their political beliefs to color their opinions on canine nutrition.  Much of the scientific research reporting the results of carefully designed controlled studies isn't available for free on the internet.  Try to read the JAVMA on line and you hit this,

Another major source of disinformation is people selling stuff.  I may give a link to a Purina site, but I know who they are and what biases they are likely to have.  Of course the dog guide school we have raised puppies for since 1991, has taught us the same.  We have also raised puppies for an assistance dog school.  They had this in a news letter, ''Obesity is the number one nutritional disease affecting dogs. It's estimated that 25-45% of dogs in the US are obese. Studies have shown that joint and locomotive problems increase by 57%, circulatory problems by 74%, respiratory problems by 52%, skin problems by 40% and cancer by 50% in animals that are overweight.

Large breed dogs that are overweight also are more prone to developing hip dysplasia. Obesity is especially dangerous for young puppies, as their underdeveloped frame cannot support the extra poundage that it must carry.''

I really don't know who is behind the "feed your dog raw bones" websites or what their agenda is.  Likely you need to look no further than the banner ads on this page for ads for ingredients or prepared raw diets.  Somebody is making money to pay for those adds.  Perhaps the same people extolling the wonders of raw feeding.  Somebody is supporting those websites too.  

As a whole, I am finding society in general less rational and honest.  People will say anything to sell their product, and others will believe it if it sounds good to them.  

I have done extensive searching and have never turned up any evidence that raw is better for dogs than Old Roy.  When I ask for proof, I am often subjected to personal attacks.