Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > Diets


18 17:15:28

QUESTION: I have a 18 week old male chi. x with calcium oxalate crystals. All ready to feed food for this issue are not recommended for pups. Any ideas.   

Thanks in advance. Cijae

ANSWER: What a shame that your YOUNG pup is ALREADY suffering with this issue. YOu didn't mention seeing a vet so I don't have enough info to really help you. What about the breeder? Please don't tell me you bought from a pet shop!! You must ask you vet about this issue as I cannot diagnose and prescribe commercial dog foods for a dog with such an issue. There are solutions to this problem and one of them is to homecook for your pup BUT you need to know what you are doing and cannot just simply feed the dog what you are eating..this is asking for trouble down the road.

After seeing your vet and perhaps a nutritionist, please contact my mentor and friend: and she will map out a specific diet, WITH SUPPLEMENTATION, for your pup. What a shame that he has crystals at his age...Sue

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the pup is under the care of a vet. pup is a stray that was hit by a car. we have had him neutered. baby teeth extracted. just need some tips on diet.

Hi again,
Ok, my suggestion to contact DONIASEA@AOL.COM still is what you should and must do for real specifics on diet. She is a master. You will be so thrilled with her knowledge, help with diets and support. She is simply terrific.

Short of that you dog needs less protein and not more. Try mushing fruits and veggies in a magic bullet or blender(not together) and try and make them organic. Your pup should be on a probiotic for shore up his immune system. He is just so young that I hestitate to go full hog here. Make certain that your pup is DRINKING so that he pees a lot. This is a good thing. What did your vet say you should feed him? I am not saying that I think vets know much, if anything, about diet, but I am curious as to what he suggested for your pup. You really have to nip this NOW since he is so young. Too much protein causes the formation of stones and of course, you do not want this. She cut down on meats, fish etc. ('down' not OUT)AND fill in with pulverized fruits in the morning and veggies in the afternoon. DO NOT GIVE TREATS AT ALL. All of those commercial treats (and even dog foods) are like feeding your dog twinkies..for the most part.

Feed your dog three times a day, smaller amounts, provide constant fresh water and even add water to his food to make sure he is drinking. DO NOT FEED DRY FOOD, PLEASE!!! Dry food makes things worse and will bloat your dog. It has very little moisture in it and MOISTURE IS WHAT YOU WANT. Make sure he is getting exercise and make sure he is peeing regularly...this is so important.

Donia will be the biggest asset re: diet you will ever meet. She is a master with diets and supplementation. Write to her, use my name and let me know how it goes. My email is: if youd care to write me directly. Just identiry yourself in the subject line so I don't delete your mail. Let me know how things are going and do let me know if you are happy with Donia.
Sue Behlmar (Dixie, Buddy and Henry's Mommy)