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Making homemade dog food

18 17:15:54

I have a 24lb 1 year old fixed female puggle.  We got her at 3 months and have tried several dog foods.  Most she just smelled and walked away.  Three months ago we found one she would eat.  Ever since we got her she has been healthy except anywhere from once a month to three times a month she gets sick for 24 hours and vomits a few times and does not eat.  She will walk around looking uncomfortable the entire time until she is exhausted.  Vet says she is fine, thinking it is tummy issues and told me to give her 5 mgs of an over the counter med for humans.(acid)  She still has issues with the tummy problems.  I am starting to make her food, i think she is not agreeing with store bought dog food.  Most vets are anti anything that doesn't come in a bag or can.  I am terrified I will give her too much protien or carbs or veggies.  I know the foods she isn't to have but i am afraid I will send her kidneys or other organs into failure by giving the wrong proportions of foods.  The vet says she is perfect at the weight she is and she is done growing. Please help me formulate what a 24 lb female should have % of each type of food.  Any vitamins or supplements?  She eats 1 cup of dry dog food in the am and pm and seemed to keep her full, should the human food be about the same amount? Any help you give would be so appreciated. Thank you!!!  

Hi Melissa,

I would not give her human meds for one thing.  I recommend a supplement called NuVet Plus and give her one wafer in the morning and 1/2 at night.  The food thing is tricky for sure.  One thing that you will need to be careful of is that there are certain types of foods that are not good for your dog to eat.  These include chocolate, onions, macadamia nuts, milk and milk-based products, grapes, and raisins and fatty meats. Other than some restrictions on what you can feed your dog, you'll find that you have a wide range of foods to choose from.
Remember proteins (primarily) come from animal sources, meats, fish, poultry dairy.  Fats can be found in animal products as well as whole-grains.  The main sources of carbohydrates are vegetables and grains.

Recommended Content of Dog Foods
Protein 16% Fat 10% Carbohydrate 44% Calories from protein 20%

Here is a list of some basic healthful foods to include in your pets diet.
Meats, Poultry, Organ meats, liver (don't overuse) Eggs
Cultured dairy products such as yogurt, buttermilk, cheese
Complex carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, beans, legumes
Fiber sources such as bran, fresh vegetables, whole-grains.

Home-cooked diets can be very healthy and rewarding for owners, but require a time commitment and extra cost from you, so you need to be prepared.  I recommend Life's Abundance they make both a dry and canned food that your dog will be sure to love and the science of formulating has been done by Dr. Jane Bicks holistic veterinarian.

Hope this helps.
Susan Potts,CPG