Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > MIX ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL


18 17:15:54

I ADOPTED A 2 Years. MALE MIX ENglish. COCKER SPANIEL FROM SOMEONE WHO SAID TOOK CARE OF HIM, BUT I HAVE SERIOUS DOUBTS ABOUT IT. SO, I BEGAN TO GIVE HIM "COME AND GET IT" FOOD AND HE LIKE IT. I HAVE IT ABOUT 4 MONTHS AND I HAVE NOTICED THAT HE SCRATCH IT SEVERAL TIMES AND HAVE THIS RARE things oh his skin like scalp or maybe seborrhea. If I scratch it off, it turns red and a little bleed. Also, he is loosing some hair ,but not as much as become bold... What should it be?

Can be an allergy, bugs, or a reaction to something in the food or environment.  I would suggest you try NuVet Plus supplements. is the website the toll-free is 1-800-474-7044 and let them know you heard it from Spotts Grooming.  I think this will help.

Susan Potts,CPG