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Dog Feeding.

18 17:28:55

I have a dog of Heinz 57 varieties. She looks very much like a greyhound and is as thin. Up to now I have fed her according largely to guesswork, but lately she seems to be getting even thinner. I need to know how much fresh meat and dog biscuits to give her. At a guess she is about 10lbs in weight. I always feed her on fresh meat -cooked- or tins of salmon for a break. Ground meat as you say,about 1/2 lb a day and a handful of dog biscuits-Ovals they are called in Ireland. She is 4 yrs of age.

Your dog isn't nearly getting the correct nutrtion. Not enough fat,missing out on most minerals and vitamins that are necessary for a dog to function in a healthy way. Please see this site for instructions on feeding a raw diet. Or if you'd prefer to cook for your girl see this one
Knowing how much to feed is easy. Feed her twice a day as much as she can eat in thirty minutes, before she loses interest. But she must get the proper balance of foods in order to maintain a healthy weight.
For a good natural supplement which is also necessary try this site
Good luck with your baby!