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Australian Shepherd wont eat

18 17:27:27

I took in an Australian Shepherd. He is now a member of my family alone with my Afghan Hound, my Jack Russell, and my Scottish Terrier.  The problem is Jake (the Australian Shepherd) will not eat unless i am sitting there watching over him.  The other three dogs are fed in their crates.  Jake is anti-crate considering i have barely had him a month and he has torn through 2 of them.  Jake has his own room where is he fed that is separate from the other dogs.  I am not sure what to do to get him to eat his kibble.  If i walk away from him he follows and will not eat unless i sit down with him.

Good morning, Micah.

It is not uncommon for dogs not to want to eat if their master is not within sight.  

I would simply stay in his presence while he is eating for the time being.  Once he is confident that you will not leave him, I would then start stepping out of the room while he is eating, only for a moment, then go back into the room.  As time goes on, leave the room off and on for longer periods.  This will help in letting him know you aren't leaving him and it is OK for him to eat while you are not there.

It may take some time, but, he should eventually be OK eating without you right there with him.

Good luck.

Gail E. Vigneault