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Best Dog Food

18 17:28:05

QUESTION: I have a five pound Shih Tzu who is six months old and does not have any health problems to date. My Question is about the best or better selection of dog food for her. We are thinking of changing her food to Canidae All Stages. Would this be a good choice? Her coat lack a shine but she seems to eat the food we give her now Science Diet Natural but we are so concern she is not getting the nutrients she needs.

ANSWER: Hi Peggy:  Yes, you are correct in being concerned about her foods.  The Canidae is an excellent choice... Yes, Yes!
Take her off the Science Diet slowly over a 3 week period of time.  You can co 1/2 the old food and 1/2 the new food x 3 weeks.  Then, after the 3 weeks you can do all Canidae and get rid of the other.

For a wonderful coat and great health you can also do a NuVET Plus treat per day.  If she is under 10 lbs she only needs 1/2 per day .  This would cost you about .25 cents per day.  EXCELLENT product and many Shih Tzu Breeders send the pups home with a sample of NuVET.

Try it for a month and see the results... Guaranteed or your money back.

As far as treats.... Mother Hubbard makes a good holistic treat.
Just make sure you look for Holistic and Quality in any treats you buy.

BEST wishes with your little one!!!

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel in Alaska

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What about tear stains? Are there foods that cause this to happen more frequently or is it just hereditary? What can you do about them?

Peggy:  Tear Stains:  NuVET will help to reduce or even get rid of the TEAR stains... It is a diet thing and many dogs need proper supplements to reduce the stains.  NuVET can do it for you.
Guaranteed or your money back.

There are other things on the market for tear stains, too.  But, NuVET is the BEST for tear stains...
Give it a try:  See how healthy your dog will be when taking NuVET Plus.

I have all my dogs on the NuVET...
Only about .50 cents or .55 cents per day..
Dogs under 10 lbs only need 1/2 a wafer per day ( .25 cents)

Have a great day!

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel

NUVET can only be found at your VET office, Groomer or at the Link above.... The vet will charge you more than the on-line store..
Call Joan and she will walk you thru the first order of NuVET Plus
1-800-474-7044  ext 265.... Leave Joan a message and she will call you back.  Tell her Marie of Doggie Hotel sent you.