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best food options for puppy with crystals in urine

18 17:27:21

QUESTION: Hi Catherine-
I am interested in options for feeding a puppy with crystals in her urine.  We are
using Nutro Natural Large Breed Puppy right now.  Rosie is a 10 week old
basset.  I was thinking about switching to Canidea - is this ok for her growth
needs too?  The vet talked about doing a RX diet every other month, alternating
with her puppy food.

ANSWER: Hi Sheri,

Are the crystals oxalate, urate or struvite? Any infection detected?  Has the vet made any other suggestions or prescribed any meds?
I would need to know what type of crystals she has before making recommendations.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Catherine-
The crystals are oxalate.  She had a bladder infection about two weeks ago,
which she took an abx for and it has cleared up.  No bacteria in her urine and
her PH is back to normal too.  No other meds, just the plan to put her on a
prescription diet every other month, alternating with her puppy food.

Ok, with oxalate I would recommend a specially formulated home made diet. I would not want to speculate regarding commercial diet because they are generally not suitable. Most will be too high in calcium and possibly other nutrients. I would either stick with what the vet is recommending, or contact me privately regarding a tailor-made  diet. You do not want stones to form, so steps need to be taken to ensure this pup has appropriate nutrition for her growth phase AND her condition. You need to restrict dietary oxalate, watch calcium carefully, control urinary ph - many factors here.
Contact me privately if you wish to discuss a consultation, or else my recommendation would be to use the veterinary food. Much as I don't like the ingredients, it will at least control the condition.

Good luck!