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18 17:16:21

i have a 9 week old bull terrier, hes been eating hills science plan biscuits (mini - stage 1). when i went to the shop to buy more i picked up the same puppy food but didnt realsie this one is for large dogs and not mini. ive gave him a biscuit and he can eat them but will this harm him and will he get the same nutrients?

Hi and thanks for writing. You will not like this response but I will tell you the truth. Science diet is the worst food on the market and just awful for dogs. There are barely any nutrients of any kind in this food but people use it cause their VET tells them it is good stuff. And this is because your vet has a contract with the Science Diet Company so naturally he pushes it!!!!!! Vet's know NOTHING ABOUT NUTRITION OR VERY, VERY LITTLE. THAT IS NOT THEIR TRAINING AND I WISH PEOPLE WOULD LEARN THIS FACT.

I would never give my dog any commercial snacks at all because they are all synthetic. Please do some research on feeding your new puppy home cooking with supplements or RAW. You might as well start him out right rather than give him all of the dead food that all commercial food is. I am sorry to be so negative about what you are feeding him but it is really not the best thing you could do for him NUTRITIONALLY. i HAVE TONS OF INFO IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.

to answer your question though, just break up the bigger biscuits into smaller pieces if you are going to keep feeding him this stuff. It's the same stuff, big or small. And please don't kid yourself, there is ZERO NUTRITION IN THOSE SNACKS.

Feel free to write me if you want more info. If not, then good luck and give your new pup lots of love.
Sue aka