Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > NuVET Pet Wafers will Explode your pitbulls muscle mass....:

NuVET Pet Wafers will Explode your pitbulls muscle mass....:

18 17:25:11

Hi Marie my dog had puppies on February the 19th scene then she been so stress and she looks so skinny I was so worried about her I took her to the vet, when she got there her doctor looked at her and she said she is health and give to me pet-cal for her. To me she doesn't look so health because all her back bones are showing she lost muscle mass she is eating but she still look the same yesterday the 23rd I went to petco and got same daily multi-vitamin tabs and superfood supplement for her she is playing and eat but still look the same I wanted to know how long will it take for her to get back to health or what else can I do for her thank you for your respond.


I love NuVET Plus
Jason, It will take some time and good food to get her back to muscle and bulk.  Right now her body has relaxed to give birth to the pups... Her body has released hormones to aide her in relaxing the muscles.  

I would suggest a good food for this mom...HOW about some Barking at the MOON by Solid Gold / YOU should be able to find it at the pet store...Add the Barking at the Moon to the food you are currently feeding.  Do a 50/50 mix of the two foods.  JUST buy one bag and see if it helps ..... Don't keep her on the food for too many months as it may make her gain too much weight.


Your kid should be on a good skin and coat supplement/ We have loads of Pit Bull Parents giving NuVET Plus - Many breeders send it home with the new pups.   Explode your bulls muscle mass with NuVET Plus Wafers....
 **( don't buy the junk pet tabs at the pet store....)

NuVET guarantees they will help your dog's skin, coat and general health or your money back.

Give it a try:  
She will LOVE the taste of the Wafer TREATS
It will only cost you .60 cents per day
Use this order code - They don't sell to the public without a code from a Breeder or Vet ( 81098)
You can call  1-800-474-7044

Give me an e-mail after she has been on the NuVET for a few months.
You will see many positive changes in her coat and skin and Muscle, too.....

my e-mail:  Marie Peppers

BEST wishes,
Marie Peppers LPN MA

I am sure the Super Food supplement you purchased is fine....
THE NuVET is better...