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Calcium Oxalate Uroliths

18 17:24:28

Our 5 yr old Shitzu/poodle cross is 20 days post surgery for a stone removal from her bladder.  She won't eat the Urniary SO dry or wet.  I would prefer to prepare her dog food myself.  What can I make her?  Brown rice and ?  I'll try anything.  Thank you!

Hi Catherine,

I commend your decision to home prepare your dog's food. With any dog, but especially one who  has a nutritionally responsive condition, I highly recommend you engage the services of a professional to formulate the diet for you. I have yet to see a generic recipe on the Internet that is suitable for a dog with stones. If you would like to discuss a consultation with me I would be happy to do so; my services are detailed on my website - or email me privately for more information.
It can be very problematic for a dog with stones to eat an inappropriate diet, so if you don't wish to have a diet professionally developed I recommend staying with the prescription food your vet has suggested.

All the best, Catherine