Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > food allergies sojo dog food; canidae dog food review;

food allergies sojo dog food; canidae dog food review;

18 17:24:56

i have a shih tzu 3 yrs. old. i believe it is skin allergiis due to food. can i feed him canned fish and yams as his diet?


SoJo for allergies / g
Hi Sandra, if your baby has food allergies, please get a commercial dog food made for that problem.. How about the Canidae brand?
It is an excellent dog food...

Also, if you want to do home cooking then the SoJO mix will be great for your baby : all you need to do is add some fresh and lightly cooked lamb?
You don't know what your baby is allergic to ???  Could be chicken? Many times dogs can eat Lamb without a problem...
Here is the SoJO link - I would get the green bag ( grain free ) and again, YOU add the meats...