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weight loss in diabetic dogtest

18 17:24:57

My ten year old dog has been diagnoses with diabetes. It has been a month since she has been taken insulin twice a day.She is on prescription diet. she has lost three pounds in 2 weeks and she is very thin. How can I get her to gain a little weight?

Hi Deborah,

I would strongly recommend a home made diet developed specifically for your dog. I am not comfortable with a generic recipe for a dog with diabetes. In working with dozens of these cases over the years I can assure you each dog will require a specific protocol, perhaps more with diabetes than any other condition. I would be delighted to work with you professionally if you wish: please refer to my Services page at

This is a tricky but usually manageable conidtion, just not one I feel comfortable doling out a recipe that may do more harm than good.

All the best, Catherine