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Royal Canin dog food

18 17:15:35

My dog will not eat canned Royal Canin urinary tract dog food by itself.She will eat a mixture of abouy 1/3 Royal Canin and 2/3 regular canned dog food. Is this O K?  Will this mixture prevent bladder stones?   Thank you very much for your help.

Who put your dog on Royal Canin? It is not a good food at all. Is she on a prescription Royal Canin diet? I would like you to contact: I want you to contact her because she is an expert in dog nutrition and really knows her stuff. I credit her with saving my little Yorkie's life about three years ago and SHE WILL HELP YOU WITH UOUR DOG. Bt to answer you, NO, that combination will not prevent bladder stones. In fact, it may do the opposite.

To prevent bladder stones, diet is crucial and more crucial is the PH FACTOR in the diet. I am talking about the acid/alkaline balance in the diet. Acidity is the culprit in most diets and dogs with your dogs situation need LESS ADID AND THEREFORE LESS PROTEIN. Yes, protein is loaded with acidity. This is why I want you contact because she will get you on the right road with your situation. YOur dog needs a LOW PROTEIN, high alkaline diet to stop the acidity in the urine. The Royal CAnin may work temporarily but over time you need a much more stable and NUTRITIOUS diet for you that is totally PH BALANCED. This is the only way to prevent bladder stones. Ok, perhaps it is not the ONLY WAY but diet is a great start.

Let me know if you contact Donia. If you do, you will never look back. Sue