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rileygot issues

18 17:27:11

Hi marie,I dont know if I told you last time that Riley went to the doc and he said he had (round worms) and (coccidia)I have been doing some research on line and some of what i hear is terrifying.they say chances are Riley probably had this before i got him because it takes 21 days to show up on a fecal he had this problem as soon as i got him home.and by a week later he already had blood in his stool as I read thats already in the advanced stage be fore you can lose a pup if not treated .hes being treated for the past week but i also heard (albon) wich hes on now is best given in conjuction with(pacacure c) for advanced cases.wich i will ask the doc monday.also they can get this from the mom,they can carry it but show no sighns because their immune system is stonger I assume the other pups are carring it also but because Riley was so small and the stress of the flight,seperation anxiety,a new home all probably lowered his any case I read that this coccidia  can reinfect Riley if comes in contact with poo that is infected I clean the yard daily where he goes but what about the grass,my kitchen floor,his toys his bed,crate,bleach doesent kill it amonia and ald fashion lysol,neither can I use on my floors they are pergo,these chemicals will ruin it.I got regular lysol disenfectant cleaner,and wipes,and pray.what do you know of all this do i have to be so steril im getting dried out hands from washing and cleaning 24/7.please send some advice and  your expert opinoin.  ps should i ask this breeder to foot some of the vet bills?

Linda, this happens all the time -  The mom gave it to Riley thru her milk.  It is not the breeders fault....this is so common and I would not ask her for payment on the vet bills.  You can let her know what is going on but she can't control this...
Once a dog is over 1 year old, they won't get this at all....

Also, any dog that walked thru the grass or sidewalk could have given it to him.... But, I think he go it from mom's milk - he had such a low immune system and couldn't fight the parasites off.

The NuVET will help to build his immune system and fight off the worms.  Also, the way for him not to be re-infected is a strong and healthy diet...  YOU don't have to sterilize the Pergo - Just wash as well as you can -
Clorox and water can be used in many areas that will tolerate the 10:1 clorox mix.  Do what you can!

My answer for Riley is -
Yes, the Pacacure - for the worms
NUVET Plus - Give a double dosage for 2 weeks --- won't hurt and will KICK start his system.
Metamucil - Fiber Cookies - Apple Flavored Cookies - Buy them at Walmart - give him ONE WAfer cookie per day - will help with the stools and good for his system.
BENE BAC Probiotic or Acidophalus pills -  Let me know if you need more info on Probiotics...

Good Luck - Don't worry - this will Pass in time!

Marie Peppers