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18 17:26:41

My 9 1/2 year old black lab/german shorthair mix was diagnosised with diabetes about 2 months ago.  She has always free fed and has always been a perfect weight of 70lbs.  She has since lost about 5 lbs from the diabetes.  The vet wants me to now feed her twice a day before she gets her insulin shot.  She has always been an evening eater.  It is difficult to get her to eat.  I have to put something in her food to make her eat it.  I have done yogurt, green beans, apples, and gravy.  I watch for the carbs and sugars.  Do you have any suggestions on what are good foods that I can put in her food.  I generally do not have to put too much in her food, I do 5 greenbeans, quarter of an apple, and a half a cup of yorgut.  I have 2 dogs, one who does not have diabetes, they hardly ever finish the full 2 cups of food that they are supposed to have, they generally eat the majority of it granted there is something in the food.  I would just like some ideas of healthy foods that I would be able to put in the food.



Try unsalted chicken broth.  

Many dogs will snarf down more than is good for them and look for more. Others refuse to eat more than than they need. Evaluate the dog as illustrated in this link, You may want the vet to confirm your judgment. Adjust the dogs food and exercise as needed to reach its ideal body condition.